
terra 82rThe two words on page 82r 8arol and 8arar9 (darol and darary EVA) can be read as Latin words-terra and terrarum? The word 8arar9 is unique in the manuscript, whereas the word 8arol is found on two other pages.
terra 68v3On the TO map of 68v3 : 8arol 8ol9 (darol daly EVA) – ter(r)a ταως, a mixture of Greek and Latin ?
Ταως has several meanings: peacock, precious stone, but also αως – East, therefore the land of east or the east of the Earth.
terra 75v

On page 75v 8onal ter(r)a (dokal darol EVA), I do not have a proposal at the moment, so long as the image is not completely decripted, I still believe that the word terra has its place.


Les deux mots-étiquettes de la page 82r 8arol et 8arar9 (darol and darary EVA) peuvent être lus comme des mots latins– terra et terrarum ? Le mot 8arar9 est unique dans le manuscrit, par contre le mot 8arol se rencontre sur deux autres pages.
Sur la carte TO de 68v3 : 8arol 8ol9 (darol daly EVA) – ter(r)a ταως, un mélange du grec et du latin ? Ταως a plusieurs significations : paon, pierre précieuse, mais aussi αως – Est, donc la terre d’est ou l’est de la Terre.
Sur la page 75v 8onal ter(r)a (dokal darol EVA), je n’ai pas de proposition pour le moment, tant que l’image ne soit décryptée complètement, je continue à croire que le mot terra a bien sa place.

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2 réponses à “Terra-terrarum

  1. Hi Ruby,
    a few years ago, a similar interpretation of EVA:darol in the T-O diagram was discussed on the site of Stephen Bax. In that case, the word was linked to the Arabic (and Hindustani?) « turab ». I don’t know if the similarity between the Latin and Arabic terms is coincidence or due to a shared etymology.



    • Thanks Marco!
      Usually I want to quote my predecessors, unlike the site you mentioned. I did a quick search on everything that was tagged 82r, which was obviously insufficient, I should also look for the words EVA.
      Thanks again !
      I do not have dictionaries either Arabic or Hindustani, so I have no opinion, although the question arises « where has the « b » gone? ». If you have time to browse my blog, you will see how I read letters when it differs from EVA, as well as different words. On the « Hypotheses » page I give some global rules that I try to follow, for example manipulate only the vowels.


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